Wednesday, October 17

Eternal Hollowness

I don't know how I got to this place. This total darkness. I now know what it means to be hollow. I'm only skin deep. I have faded out of existence, I'm nothing. There's no getting out when you can't tell which way's up. When it's so dark you can't see your hand in front of your face, you have no way to know what's real or not. There are no rules, you create your own reality. You can imagine yourself however you want. But that's all it is, imagining. Wishful thinking at best. And in the end, you'll never know if you were really that person, the one you molded yourself into. There's no escaping yourself. Not in the darkness. It swallows you up from the inside out and fills you with nothingness. It sucks all the meaning out of life. It shatters reality. It's all consuming and catastrophic. There's no beginning or end, there's the now and forever. 

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